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Your Dream, 70 - 2 июля 2009 10:52

[COLOR=red][SIZE=+1]My dear wife Luda,

How are you and your day?hope fine,

Thanks for your wonderful mail and am sorry for your English,i promise you that i will teach you English as soon as i come to your country and i will go to west Africa as soon as the western Africa government approved my contract,and i want you to look for a nice school for our son Jerry he will come and stay with you for some time,

My Angel you are my only one in my heart and i will not let you down and i swear with my life that i will love you and i will care for you and Jerry,but i want you to promise me something that you will support me in my contract with all your heart?and that you will be there for me all our life.?and you will take Jerry as your son?and you will trust me?be honest to me?and you will not hide secret for me?that you will open your mind and heart for me?

Hoping to hear from you.

Love from your husband Dave
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